School Nurse New Medication Requirements

We were recently made aware of a change in the medical guidelines for school nurses through the Nursing Practice Act. Beginning this year (2024-25 school year), All medication dispensed at school MUST have a signed physician/health care provider order, including over-the-counter medication.

This is a significant change from previous years, and we wanted to make you aware as soon as possible. Medication may still be administered by designated Overton ISD personnel, but only in compliance with the new guideline. The Nursing Practice Act dictates which licensed medical professionals a registered nurse may carry out medication orders from. At this time, licensed chiropractors are NOT included, therefore, their orders will not be accepted. Again, please know that our school nurse MUST have a signed order (from MD, DO, APRN, PA, dentist, or podiatrist) before administering ANY medication (prescription or OTC) to meet the standards of the Nursing Practice Act.  This includes both oral and topical medications. 

For your convenience, we are including the link to an OISD School Medication Form that can be filled out, signed by your doctor/qualifying medical professional and turned into the school office as fulfillment of this requirement. If your child may need medication administered while at school, please complete this form and submit it immediately. Thank you.